WHo we are
Orange Umbrella is a collaboration of specialist areas dedicated to better workplaces and better performance.
GSP® Model
ABOUt us
Our objective is to build capability and accountability by partnering with organisations to assess and address the current situation. This forms the basis for the development and monitoring of improvement actions. The resilience of both teams and leadership is strengthened through active participation, creating accountability into the future.
Our Team

Jon Everest
MSc, GradDipBsnsStds (Dispute Resolution), Mediator (FRIAdvMed, IMI Cert.), Advanced Accredited Restorative Justice Facilitator, Cert. Professional Supervision, IECL Leadership Coach.
As a Police Inspector in the Royal Hong Kong Police, Jon learned that the most effective policing was based on relationships with the community. This led him to his work in conflict resolution and facilitation. Work in the domestic violence sector, as well as workplace mediation, brought him to restorative justice as an approach that provides an opportunity for parties to heal emotionally while resolving their underlying conflict. His restorative practice has included cases of criminal offending, workplace teams, WorkSafe prosecutions, domestic violence, and elder abuse. Jon led the development of early, independent dispute resolution services for staff and students at Victoria University of Wellington, including the establishment of the Employee Advisory and Resolution Service (EARS-Te Rauawa). Jon’s practice extends into many types of workplaces across Central and Local Government including universities, healthcare, fire and emergency services and Police.

Heidi Börner
MN, BN, COHN(C), RN, Cert. Prof. Sup., IECL (Level 1), Mediator (PRIMed), HASANZ registered
Heidi is a New Zealand and Canadian-certified Occupational and Environmental Health Nurse Specialist. She created the Orange Umbrella® tools which help employers to proactively manage the important link between workplace culture and health and safety outcomes. Her Master’s research confirmed the statistical validity and reliability of Orange Umbrella®’s GSP® Survey tool and showed how better workplace culture GSP® scores were associated with lower injuries to both staff and patients, and lower violence incidents in healthcare.
Heidi currently provides restorative team mediation and coaches and mentors employers to proactively evaluate and improve their system risks using the Orange Umbrella® tools. She supports a system approach to ensure that the culture and processes support safe and healthy work. From 2010-2018 she teamed up with the Electricity Engineers’ Association to facilitate the Safety Climate Project for the electricity supply industry which delivered measurable change in leadership, culture and systems across the industry to support high performance while reducing the high risks of electricity work. Heidi has also worked in other work settings including university, community non-profits, waste management, Police and FENZ.
Email us: info@orangeumbrella.co
Web: orangeumbrella.co
AUCKLAND, New Zealand
Mobile: +64 21 354 707