Accelerated Silicosis

Information about Accelerated Silicosis in Engineered Stone fabrication in

Aotearoa-New Zealand

2024 04 30 Accelerated Silicosis: One Dust Disease of Many. Presentation to NZOHNA by Heidi Börner.

This presentation summarises the findings in the Accelerated Silicosis Occupational Health Nurses Pilot 2023 funded by the Ministry of Health. It highlights the pressing need for a National Occupational Health Surveillance System to manage and prevent workplace illness and disease in Aotearoa-New Zealand.

2023 12 05 ABC, Damian McIntyre: ‘Safe’ alternatives to engineered stone bench tops may not be so safe after all, study finds

Interesting article about the risks for alternatives to engineered stone.

2023 12 05 ABC, Damian McIntyre: ‘Safe’ alternatives to engineered stone bench tops may not be so safe after all, study finds

2023 11 06 NZ Herald, Nicholas Jones: Silicosis lung disease: Dangerous, dusty conditions found at engineered stone workshops, damning Ministry of Health-ordered report reveals

Report about Accelerated Silicosis in New Zealand.

2023 10 23 Safe Work Australia Prohibition on the use of Engineered Stone

This document details the decisions and rationale for prohibitions around manufacture and fabrication of Engineered Stone. An important document to inform next steps for New Zealand.

2023 06 30 Accelerated Silicosis Occupational Health Nurse Pilot Report released by the New Zealand Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora under the Official Information Act.

2023 OHN Pilot Report on access to the Accelerated Silicosis Assessment Pathway OHN Pilot – Released under OIA. The report discusses the experience of Occupational Health Nurses and Engineered Stone workers and employers as they identify at-risk workers who qualify for specialist assessment on the ACC Accelerated Silicosis Pathway. The report proposes a National Occupational Health Surveillance System as a way forward to protect the health of New Zealand workers and their families, and to reduce the high costs of preventable illness and death.

2023 05 20 NZ Herald, Nicholas Jones: Something is wrong – The forgotten disease that’s become a silent killer.

2023 03 WorkSafe – New Zealand Carcinogens Survey

Review this document to understand why a National Occupational Health Surveillance system is needed in New Zealand.

2023 03 NZ Herald, Jamie Morton: Air pollution- Two contaminants linked to thousands of early NZ deaths, hospitalisations

Vehicular pollution, home heating included in contributing to the underlying burden of respiratory illnesses and disease.

Link to the article.

2020 12 16 Letter to Min Andrew Little Accelerated Silicosis Prevention proposal

This was the document prepared for Minister Little proposing a workplace health surveillance and monitoring system. This is still relevant in 2024.

2020 09 04 NZOHNA Position Statement for the Accelerated Silicosis-Dust Diseases Pathway

Upon releasing the version of the Accelerated Silicosis Pathway which excluded Occupational Health providers (physicians and nurses), the NZOHNA prepared and submitted this document to Min Andrew Little, Workplace Relations and Safety Minister at the time. We were able to meet with him because of the assistance from the CTU, and presented this document to him at the meeting. A collaborative effort. We hope that this provided the groundwork for the Accelerated Silicosis Occupational Health Nurse Pilot in 2023.